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[CIT2015]生物可降解支架和RDN新发展--美国哥伦比亚大学医学中心Juan F. Granada教授专访

作者:J.F.Granada 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2015/3/24 20:07:44    加入收藏
 关键字:生物可吸收支架 药物洗脱 再狭窄 RDN 

  International Circulation: Bioabsorbable stents can be called as the new milestone in the history of PCI, but it is at the beginning of development. How largeis thegapbetween BRS data and it’s theory building in your opinion ?


  Dr. Granada : Bioresorbable scaffolds I think have been called the 4th revolution of interventional cardiology. At the present time, I think we are building enough clinical evidence to support the safety and efficacy of these devices. The first milestone that we need to achieve is essentially prove that these devices are as safe and effective as metallic drug eluting stents. Once we prove that I think that we need to start looking at the biological benefit of these technologies. Essentially what we are thinking about is the positive vascular remodeling.

  I think what the main benefit is as the process of absorption occurs the vessel starts to dilate and what is actually called positive vascular remodeling. With the vascular remodeling happening, we expect to see less restenosis and less clinical events in patients. I think the gap is still big because we are still collecting data but as the data starts to come out with different devices and different generations of technologies, I think we are going to get closer and closer to introduce this technology into the clinical arena.


  International Circulation: RDN is becoming more controversy issue after the SYMPLICITY HTN3 results released. What the net benefit would it bring to hypertension patients exclude the operators experience? How could we find something to breakthrough in terms of translational medicine or patient selection?

  《国际循环》:去肾神经化治疗在SYMPLICITY HTN-3试验后就一直受到争议。排除术者本身的经验来说,这种术式对高血压或心衰患者究竟有多大获益?如何从转化医学的角度寻求突破?

  Dr. Granada: I think in terms of renal denervation I think we have rushed into clinical studies very quickly. The first thing with renal denervation that we need to understand is renal denervation does induce and actually changes nerves around the artery meaning the effect is actually real, the effect is actually clear. The main question is how much denervation can we do to have clinical outcomes or to improve elevated blood pressure in patients. Second is what is the patient selection that we are going to be able to select in clinical trials for the technology to be efficacious so I think that we need to have atleast four major components before we go again into large clinical studies. Number 1 is to understand who is the patient that is going to respond to therapy and in order to do that we need to do studies to understand who the best patient population is. Number 2 is through experimental animal models, understand how much renal denervation we need to achieve a biological effect and number 3, which is the best technique to actually have complete denervation of the arterial wall. But I think we are getting there, there are still a lot of things that need to happen before we go into these second generation trials but I think we are accumulating the evidence to be able to be actually able to prove that renal denervation is back into the clinical arena.





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