
[ESH2013] Josep Redon教授和刘力生教授谈最新欧洲高血压指南更新及ARB类药物在高危高血压患者中的使用

作者:  J.Redon  刘力生   日期:2013/6/13 10:16:23


Redon教授:当然有,2007年指南中,对于一般高血压人群,开始治疗的时机是140/90 mmHg,但是同样在2007年指南中,高危患者应当更早开始治疗,但是在新指南公布后,对文献的深入分析告诉我们,这些推荐的依据可能并不是很充分。

  <International Circulation>: Prof. Liu, what is your opinion on that? How would you adjust clinical practices corresponding to the changes for the case of China?
Prof. Liu: I think first because the ACE inhibitor in?the?market earlier has more evidence. In recent years many trials have been working on ARBs so I think now there is evidence of ARBs, I think for different subclinical target organ damage including left ventricle high blood pressure and later atrial fibrillation and also congestive heart failure from ARB use.  For the new situation, microalbuminuria and renal dysfunction and later even worse. My personal recommendation is to avoid clinical aspects metabolic syndrome. For combinations like ARB and CCB, if you add two together especially for a cardiologist or others, they might not, so in our guidelines, there is some help with ACE inhibitors. In our population including one ACE inhibitor and another being a diuretic being a very good medical choice, however in China we are facing the need to get approval from the specialists as well as the policy makers to get those combinations in the Chinese guidelines.


<International Circulation>: There have been several clinical trials on ARBs that have demonstrated its efficacy. The vast majority of hypertension patients with complications have shown improvements with long lasting steady pressure lowering and a few side effects. Professor Redon, how would you evaluate the use of ARBs in this drug class in patients with high blood pressure taking into considering any complications?
Prof. Redon: Well as the EU recommends, of course the ARBs are not able to use widespread in patients with hypertension.  In my country, in particular, approximately 45% of the antihypertensive drugs used are ARBs, then it is probably very widely use and all the things because initially one of the risks to try to avoid was the price was very high. But now the same prices for generics than for the brand names, so ARBs are excellent to use. You can use them but especially in those situations that Professor Liu had recommended; patients with hypertension, patients with renal dysfunction, patients with diabetes or even metabolic syndrome, or patients that take benefits to look at other sources of drugs. This has very good tolerance and this is why the ARBs are still on the market as one of the leading groups of antihypertensive drugs.


<International Circulation>: Dr. Liu, would you like to comment on valsartan of the ARBs or any of these new treatments?
Prof. Liu:  At least for myself, I use ARBs to manage these patients usually with the cough so lots of people are afraid of intolerance but it is much safer. We are using that, that is a very important thing and I think because right now the price of ARB is still not comparable to ACE inhibitor, so it is not very popular, but later maybe we can use that.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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