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作者:A.sharma 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/20 17:08:00    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 Navigator 肥胖 治疗依从性 A.sharma 

     <International Circulation>:  Can you tell us the current considerations in treatment adherence in hypertension patients who require long-term medication, and are there any new important findings or clinical studies of this problem?

    Sharma教授:目前还没有很多试验专门观察肥胖患者高血压治疗的转归。但是,我们知道,在目前大多数的高血压干预试验中,半数患者的体重指数>30 kg/m2。因此,来自大型临床试验的很多数据实际上可能适用于肥胖人群。

    Prof. Sharma:There have not been a lot of studies looking specifically at the outcome of hypertension treatment in obese patients, but we know that today in most intervention trials half the population in those trials will actually have a BMI over 30 so a lot of the data that is being gathered from large randomized controlled trials may in fact be applicable to this population.


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