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[TCT2009]Christopher J. White教授谈颈动脉狭窄的治疗

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Christopher 

International Circulation:  What is your advice for the effective management of complications from carotid stenting?

Prof. Christopher J. White:   If you take on carotid stenting then you have to be able to manage hemodynamic instability and be prepared to offer rescue angioplasty for acute stroke caused by distal emboli.  Rescue means that if you have an embolus to a large vessel in the brain then you have to be able to retrieve it or recanalize the vessel.  Therefore, if an interventionalist is not capable of performing intracranial intervention, then there must be someone else in your hospital that can offer that skill emergently.  You cannot send that patient to another hospital.  Rescue therapy must be available immediately if you are going to perform carotid stenting.
Prof. Christopher J. White:  如果行颈动脉支架置入术,那么你必须能够进行急救。急救的意思就是说,如果一个大血管的大栓子脱落堵住了脑血管,那么你必须有能力取出这个栓子,或者说存在有这种能力。因此,如果您作为术者不能进行颅内介入治疗取出栓子,那么在你的医院就必须有人能够即刻提供此项技术支持。你不可能让病人经过一个小时的路程去转院。这种介入手术是必须即刻执行的。

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